Blog Update: Aug. 2024

published: ,
last modified: .

lang: en

category: misc

tags: blog_ops

I made some updates to this blog!

  • Classified articles into announcements and the others
  • Separated the latest articles displayed on the right side of the page into "Announcements," "Latest Articles (en)," and "Latest Articles (ja)"
  • Displayed announcements on the homepage instead of all the latest articles
  • Added a slideshow of all the works I have created to the homepage
  • Added information about myself and contact details
  • Created and installed 2000s-style site banners
    • Developed a pixel art display feature
  • Installed an RSS feed
  • Added an emoji function (e.g. :blobcat: -> blobcat)
    • CC0-licensed blobcats blobcat_blush
    • Self-made blobcats using CC0 ones blobcat_tea
    • Randomly made SVGs just for fun piyoflat2anime
  • Bug fixes

copyright © 2024 sk0
