Lang: ja
[3rd EP] Almagest 2060
This is my 3rd EP, Almagest 2060, featuring bass music and electronic dance music, in contrast to my previous ones, which consist of bright, cheerful, or calming tracks!
[2nd EP] Seasonal Reveries
This is my 2nd EP! This features a collection of bright and upbeat songs, along with gentle and calming tracks, arranged in the order of the seasons in my country.
Web Visualizer for SunVox (WIP#1)
This is a web visualizer for SunVox!
SPACE: stop / play
ENTER: rew...
[1st EP] Think Inside the Toy Box
This is my first EP, consisting of eight cheerful songs from different genres, such as Future Bass, Chiptune, Jazz Fusion and Digital Fusion!
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